Dynamic crew folders linked to other modules, talent matrix and crew planner track and analyze crew KPIs complete MGA/Portage Bill on board and in office fully integrated with accounts and JiBe's Bank Payment module for automatic batch payments crew travel integrated into Budget and Accounting modules. Work and Rest Hours module integrated with the crew list alerts to management on violations, both to dashboards as well as emails.
TMSA / KPI Optimized
Simplify Your Compliance, raise your TMSA score, using the integrated TMSA module, pulling data and KPI from all other modules. Keep all documentation and details in one central library, with advanced access rights and integrations to technical incidents and TMSA, visible in each crew's personal file.
Predictive Crew Management
Access Your Talent pool with advanced filtering using our Talent Matrix, matched with each vessel's needs and requirements. Our AI based technology will sources and optimize matching crews by skill, location and logistics of joining. JiBe's UPWind platform to assist with deep web automatic reference checks. Improve your selection process with Electronic Interviews accessible to all permitted users across departments.
Crew Matrix
Crew Planning, both long and short term, use our visual tools to easily plan and understand your needs, combined with a fleet-wide talent matrix. JiBe's Crew Matrix to suit all your crew management needs in assignment and planning.